A new house. A new graduate program. A still-feels-new job. A new schedule. A new year of marriage. New is flavor of the week around here. It's fortunate that I love this house so much, or I would probably just crawl in bed and stay there. I'm working or going to school (usually a combination of both) from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm every weekday, and I do a little bit of work on Saturday as well. This schedule probably won't change much for the next three years, except for maybe the summer, depending on when summer classes are. No one said working and attending a graduate program would be easy, but they definitely didn't mention the mileage required.
Such is life, though.
And I have such a good one. Every day in this house makes me feel more energized, peaceful, and motivated to take on all these challenges with a level head. I know that I've got a home to come.. uh... home to. I know that Michael is waiting for me when I'm done with my extra long days, which feel endless sometimes, with a hug and an awesome funny internet video of some cat doing some thing. Ceiling fans are involved. It's such a relief to be doing all of this with someone who really has my back, support who I am, and understands that this is all a part of developing the life that we want... we both want.
Somewhere in all of this, I'm trying to unpack. The living room/kitchen area is presentable, but my office/craft room and the bedroom are disaster areas. Very functional disaster areas, but pretty chaotic nonetheless. While I'm organizing my new house, I can't help but imagine designing it exactly how I want it to be. But, one step at a time.
If I take too many more than that, I will fall flat on my face.