am almost done with graduate school.
know, it doesn’t sound like that big of a deal. It’s just school. I’ve been going
to school since I was five years old, at a university level since I was
eighteen. I’m staring down my quarter century mark, which makes my collegiate
career a whopping seven years long. By the time I am finished, I will have been
going to Boise State for eight years.
just under a third of my life and it’s almost done.
have two semesters left, 18 credit hours, and a big chunk of internship… but,
then I will be finished.
looking at the past and future simultaneously, what have I learned? Where am I
now? What am I hoping to have gleaned from all of this?
I would like to have learned to be a pretty damn good counselor. If that hasn’t
happened by 3 years in a master’s level training program, I should probably
take a vow of silence and never leave my house again. But, seriously… I’d like
to be the kind of person and professional that makes a difference, that leaves
a lasting impression on people, and helps them go on their way, stronger and
more empowered than they were before they met me. If I have developed the
skills to make that happen for people, this won’t have been a waste of time.
would like to be a more patient, more grateful, and more centered person. I’d
like to have learned how to appreciate my friends, my family, and my wonderful
husband. I would hope that I can take care of myself, put myself at an
appropriate priority level in my life. I’d like to make my own choices and
choose my own path, without being afraid of what other people will say. So much
of my life is dictated by the outside. I would like that to change over the
next school year.
I believe we never stop growing. So, I’d like to learn how to grow a little
more gracefully. I want to handle the transitions a little more smoothly. Maybe
even get to enjoy the ride a little more, rather than just the destination.
here we go.