Well, since blogging seems to be the new thing to do, I started one. I've blogged before on various other sites, but I've always abandoned the practice as I usually don't have enough time to consistently update it. Lately, though, I finished my first hand-written journal. Front to back. So, I have a little more faith in my consistency.
This is a first post. It is obligated to be an introduction to myself and my life. I'm not sure that myself and my life are very interesting (or at least very interesting to read about), but I will try to summarize the first 21 (almost 22) years of my life.
I am 21 years old (my birthday is the 23rd of this month and I will no longer be 21 at that time). I'm a college student, almost done with a degree in Psychology with an Addiction Studies minor. I've got 6 credits left that I need. I'm taking more than that because I would be phenomenally bored with 6 credits. But, that's what's left before I graduate. I'll graduate Spring 2012, just in time for the world to end. I do plan on going to grad school. Those words are the extent of the current plan.
I'm getting married. In three weeks. I am definitely way behind and not ready at all. Well, I'm ready to be married. I'm just not totally prepared for the event. I'm marrying a wonderful guy named Michael and we are very happy. He buys me nail polish when I have a bad day at work and likes to surprise me with my favorite flavor of chips. He is a musician. We are musicians. We also play video games together and like to take our dog, Sandy, to the park to swim. We both have great families. So, together we have extra fantastic family. I feel exceptionally lucky, as I was married previously and did not have the luxury of a loving set of in-laws.
As far as hobbies go, I don't have time for them. I have a lot, though. Photography, writing (poetry), reading, crafting (mainly collages and paper projects), and I am very into movies. I don't just like movies. I read reviews about movies months before they premier. I am interested in the art of film. I see movies in the same way that I see books. A good film is a piece of history. My favorite movies are The Painted Veil and Dan in Real Life. My favorite movie of this year is Super 8. Seriously, go see it.
I work at a group home for adolescent girls with behavioral problems. I've been working there since March 2010. It's very stressful, but very rewarding. I probably will not talk much about that here, as there are confidentiality issues and, frankly, some things may not make sense to those who don't work there. I love my coworkers and I am so glad to have had the opportunity to start working in the direction I want to have a career in. Working full-time and going to school has been challenging, but someday school will end. I have to keep telling myself that.
Generally, I'm in a pretty good mood. I like to think that I generate my own happiness. Finding happiness in things or people, anything external, only leads to a finite amount of happiness. Contentment, as found in the self, is the surest way to lasting happiness. I'm always telling Mike, "I don't need you." I think at first that was confusing for him, but now he understands. It doesn't mean that he is not dearly enmeshed in my life. It means that I am happy and he is the above and beyond, the cherry on top of my already awesome life. I'd be in trouble if somebody became the source of my happiness. I am the source.
Anyway, Mike and I are headed to the jeweler to pick out our wedding rings. Wish us luck. Hopefully they don't turn out to be too expensive.
"I don't need you." That has swirled around in my head for the past 4-5 years or so. I don't think relationships should be based on need...instead, when the WANT is there, the YEARNING - take heed and hold onto that person. They will indeed turn out to be the "cherry on top of [your] already awesome life." ;)